Rhubarb Lactopickles

Recipe from Phickle

I filled a half gallon jar but didn’t double the spices. I used 3 small cloves of garlic instead of green garlic. Pretty excited to try these.

06.14.17 – I fermented these for 14 days, then moved to fridge. At first, I wasn’t so sure about them. There’s yeast on top and I wasn’t a huge fan of the taste when I tried them at room temp. After ignoring them for a few weeks I just tasted them again and I do like them. I skimmed some yeast off when I moved them to the fridge, but it seems to have grown back since then.


05.16.18 – I’m trying these again this year. I ended up throwing that last batch away because the yeast was grossing me out. This time I have an airlock lid and a fermentation weight to hold the rhubarb below the brine. Also, I happened to get green garlic in this week’s CSA so I’m using that. These pics are from day 2.

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